
What is the National Contact Point for cross-border healthcare?

The National Contact Points for cross-border healthcare were established under the Directive 2001/24/EU to provide reliable and useful information in order to enable patients to exercise their rights on cross-border healthcare in practice.

In Poland, the NCP tasks are performed by the National Health Fund (NHF).

What is cross-border healthcare?

Cross-border healthcare can be defined as the right of access of any patient from the EU/EEA or Switzerland to medical diagnosis as well as to drugs and medical devices outside the state of residence of such patient in any other state within this area.

Specific patient rights depend in each case from its status (for example the employed, pensioner, family member), cross-border situation (state of residence and the state in which healthcare is received, duration of stay outside the place of residence) and the legal instrument forming the basis to provide healthcare (so called Community's coordination regulations – Regulation 883/2004 and 987/2009 or the Directive 2011/24/EU referred to above)

Who may contact the NCPs?

The addressees of information provided by the NCPs of the NHF include primarily the patients and other entities involved in cross-border healthcare: healthcare providers, representatives of medical professions, insurance institutions and patient organisations.

When can you contact the NPCs?

The NPC is the right contact address when you seek information on:
- rules of organisation and availability of healthcare in the individual EU/EEA states and Switzerland (via the national contact points in the respective countries) – differences in the rights of patients receiving cross-border healthcare on the basis of the coordination regulations or Directive 2011/24EU
- unscheduled and scheduled treatment abroad, including the documents and procedures in force
- medical transport
- reimbursement of treatment costs
- dispensing the prescriptions – list of healthcare providers and their obligations
- patient rights
- contact data of the NPCs in the other EU/EEA states and Switzerland
The above information is available at and in the Treatment Abroad (Leczenie poza granicami kraju) tab at

How to contact us?

If you find no answer to your question at the address provided above, you can contact us using one of the following ways. Our consultants will respond as soon as possible, with consideration to the order of receiving the inquiries and the nature of the case. These consultations are free of charge.
We speak Polish and English.
Telephone Patient Information 0 800 190 590
available 24/7; for calls from abroad: (+48) 22 125 66 00
Contact data of the regional branches of the NHF