A cross-border prescription is a document which must include specified information with regard to the place where it is planned to be filled. If the patient requests the physician to issue a prescription, he should indicate in advance if he intends to get the prescription filled in Poland or in another EU member state.
The physician issuing the prescription is obliged to include in the document the set of information required for filling the prescription.
Detailed scope of information that must be provided on the prescription and the mode of its issuing have been specified in the Regulation of the Ministry of Health of 8 March 2012 on Medical Prescriptions (i.e. Dz. U. of 2014, item 319).
Issuing a prescription consists in :
- listing of the required information on the front of the prescription in a legible and permanent manner;
- placing a handwritten signature on the front of the prescription by the person issuing the prescription.
The scope of information which must be provided on the prescription depends on where the patient is insured:
- in Poland or
- in another EU/EFTA member state.
Moreover, in the case of the patients insured in another EU/EFTA member state, the scope of information varies depending on the legal basis on which health care benefits are provided:
- provisions of the act implementing the cross-border directive;
- rules on coordination of social security systems.
For example, the patient’s identification number, i.e. the PESEL (personal identity number) or the payer’s identification number is amended.
When the prescription issued by a Polish physician is to be filled outside Poland, the physician must provide the information required for the so-called cross-border prescription, regardless of where the patient is insured and on the basis of which regulations he/she receives health care benefits in Poland.
If you want to fill the prescription outside Poland, let the physician know of your intention! The cross-border prescription must include additional information.
A cross-border prescription, which has not been filled in a EU member state other than Poland, can be filled in Poland for the full price. If the prescription has been issued in accordance with the regulations that allow to fill it and receive reimbursement from the NFZ, it can be filled in Poland in accordance with the reimbursement rules laid down in the Reimbursement Act.
If the patient purchases abroad the medicine which is reimbursed in Poland under the medicinesprogramme , the costs shall not be reimbursed due to the fact that the purchase itself is not a guaranteed benefit. Benefits guaranteed to the patients under the medicines programme include jointly:
- carrying out qualification procedures regarding the patients to be included the programme;
- administration of the medicine;
- health care provided to the patient, which is directly related to the administration of the medicine
- constant monitoring of the progress in treatment.